How to obtain a police and character clearance report from Australia
Under the Australian Privacy Act, the Embassy in [populate(sitecountry)] cannot obtain confidential information on Australian citizens or residents of Australia from any Australian police force. Only the person him/herself may obtain this information directly from the relevant state, territory or federal police force.
Australians abroad often need police or character certificates for such purposes as court requirements, residence permission or securing employment. Australian Citizens requiring such certificates should contact the appropriate Australian Federal, State or Territory Police Force.
The type, cost and application forms required for clearance certificates vary from state to state. Any State or Territory in Australia will be able to provide at least one of the following certificates:
- Certificate issued on the basis of fingerprints;
- Certificate issued on the basis of a name check; and
- National Police Clearance Certificate.
Australian Citizens seeking to obtain any form of clearance certificate should be advised that the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in Canberra could issue a National Police Clearance Certificate that covers criminal records in all states and territories, except Queensland. The AFP has advised that this certificate is acceptable in all countries. You should confirm that the requesting local authority would accept this certificate.
Australian Federal Police
Criminal Records Branch
Locked Bag 1
Weston ACT 2611
Tel: 00 61 2 6256 7777
Fax: 00 61 2 6287 0603
Criminal Records Section
PO Box 7777
Parramatta NSW 2124
Tel: 00 61 2 8835 7888
E-Mail: [email protected]
Public Enquires Service
Criminal Records Branch
Victorian Police
PO Box 418
Melbourne VIC 8005
Tel: 00 61 3 9247 5907
Fax: 00 61 3 9247 6611
Officer in Charge
Information Bureau
Peter McAulay Centre
PO Box 39764
Winnellie NT 0821
Tel: 00 61 8 8922 3257
Fax: 00 61 8 8922 3258
Records Release Unit
Information Services Branch
South Australia Police Department
GPO Box 1539
Adelaide SA 5001
Tel: 00 61 8 8204 2455
Fax: 00 61 8 8204 2307
Officer in Charge
External Assistance Unit
Queensland Police Service
GPO Box 1440
Brisbane Qld 4001
Tel: 00 61 7 3364 6464
Fax: 00 61 7 3364 4728
Officer in Charge
Criminal Records Section
Tasmanian Police Department
PO Box 308C
Hobart Tas 7001
Tel: 00 61 3 6230 2111
Fax: 00 61 3 6230 2200
Officer in Charge
Offender Information Bureau
Western Australia Police Headquarters
2 Adelaide Terrace
East Perth WA 6004
Tel: 00 61 8 9268 7637 - 00 61 8 9268 7593 - 00 61 8 9268 7873
Fax: 00 61 8 9268 7621 - 00 61 8 9268 7626
Please note an application for a National Police Clearance Certificate contains various options. It would be in your interests to make direct contact with the police force, to which you will be applying for the certificate, to ensure that your application meets the necessary requirements and delays in processing may be minimised.
If you require a certificate based on fingerprints, you should make your own arrangements with the local police force to have your fingerprints taken. Please note that these certificates will only be issued on the basis of original fingerprint records being provided to the supplying police force in Australia. Photocopies and faxes of fingerprint records are not acceptable.