Australian Embassy

Australian-Swiss relationship



We are pleased to announce that the Australian Embassy in Bern officially opened on Tuesday 22 November 2022, marking a significant milestone in the bilateral relationship. The Embassy transitioned from an Australian Diplomatic Mission to an Embassy following the appointment of resident Ambassador Elisabeth Day. The non-resident Ambassador, Philip Green, who remains based in Berlin, will retain accreditation for Liechtenstein for the time being. It is expected that responsibility for Liechtenstein will also transfer to Ambassador Day in early 2023.

The Australian Embassy in Bern will work to deepen bilateral cooperation with Switzerland and expand trade and investment ties with Australia.

The Australian Embassy will be supported by the Consulate-General in Geneva to provide consular, passport and notarial services. Australian citizens and permanent residents can find out about the ‘pop-up’ passport service via and by visiting this website. For the latest advice on Australian passport and citizen services in Switzerland and Liechtenstein please visit

Australian Embassy Bern
Weltpoststrasse 5, 3015 Bern
Phone: +41 (0)31 310 17 80

Australian-Swiss diplomatic relations

Australia and Switzerland established formal diplomatic relations in 1961. Since that time, the relationship has grown steadily to become one based on shared interests and values and the pursuit of common goals. Australia and Switzerland enjoy a warm and constructive political relationship; strong trade and investment ties; ongoing collaboration in science, education and research; and rich and varied cultural connections. These ties have strengthened over the years and provided many opportunities for innovation, trade and cultural exchange.  Australia and Switzerland also share a joint commitment to universal human rights; open, inclusive and resilient societies; and the rules-based international order.

Celebrating 60 years of diplomatic relations between Australia and Switzerland

In 2021, we celebrate 60 years of diplomatic relations between Australia and Switzerland.

In October 2021, Ambassador Green marked the occasion by hosting a celebration in Bern, bringing together senior representatives from government, business and the diplomatic community in Switzerland.

You can read his remarks here.